In my October 2020 post "Can the deck itself be prophetic?" I investigated "standing prophecies" in the Rider-Waite deck -- that is, readings that do not depend on which cards you happen to draw from a shuffled deck but rather are implicit in the deck itself. Richard Arrowsmith had noticed how the 19th trump, The Sun, predicts the appearance of the birdemic in China in the year '19; and I then went on to demonstrate how the cards numbered 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 predict the winners of the U.S. presidential elections in the corresponding years of the present century.
This was before the 2020 election, and it unambiguously predicted that Trump would win. The 20th trump depicts and angel with orange-blond hair blowing a trump with a flag on it -- obviously indicating a certain orange-haired man named Trump who was born on Flag Day.
Well, so far Trump has still not been recognized as the winner of the 2020 election, but I think the hit is still impressive; regardless of who won, the 2020 election was undeniably about Donald Trump, and the 20th trump shows that. It also comments on other aspects of that election. For example, below the angel we see a crown of gray people celebrating. Could these not represent Biden voters, as in the meme?
These gray people are depicted rising from the grave, which is also relevant.
So I think that, despite the failure of my prediction about 2020, it remains true that the trumps of the Rider-Waite deck correlate with their corresponding election years.
There are only 21 trumps, though, so it would appear that there are no more standing prophecies for the rest of the century -- or are there?
Let's go back to the 2000 election. The Fool card is numbered 0 in the Rider-Waite, and it unambiguously calls the election for George W. Bush.
First there's the name of the card: "The Fool." In the running joke about the evil party vs. the stupid party, everyone understands that the Republicans are the stupid party. Bush in particular was portrayed by the media as a likable idiot (as opposed to Al Gore's "smart but wooden" persona), and one of his famous malapropisms even features the word fool.

Then there's the name of the winning candidate: George Walker Bush. The Fool is walking, and is the only depiction of a person walking in the Major Arcana, so there's Walker. He holds a rose, a flower which grows on a bush, so there's Bush. To get George, we have to take into account the astrological correspondences associated with the Fool card. The Golden Dawn, in a system based on the Sepher Yetzirah, assigned the 22 Major Arcana to the 12 zodiac signs, the seven classical "planets," and three of the four classical elements; and the Fool was assigned to Air. Following the discovery of Pluto, though, it became common to replace the three elements with the three "new" planets, and thus the Fool became associated with Uranus. Uranus is not that planet's oldest name, though; when William Herschel discovered it in 1781, he proposed the name Georgium Sidus, "the Georgian Star," in honor of King George III. That's a link to the name George, of course, but it's more than that: Dubya was literally President George III, having been preceded by his father and George Washington.
my reading for the 2022 midterms, I drew the Fool card twice and tentatively interpreted it as referring to the state of Georgia. I reached this conclusion by browsing a gallery of state flowers and finding the one that most closely resembled the flower held by the Fool: the white Cherokee rose, state flower of Georgia.
Only later did I make the Uranus connection -- the
Georgian Star -- and then realize that one of the candidates from Georgia was named
Herschel Walker. There's that name
Walker again, and
Herschel is about as explicit a reference to Uranus as you could ask for. Furthermore, Walker was even called "the Georgian star" when he was playing football for the University of Georgia -- whose mascot is a white dog.
At the time of this writing, it is still undecided whether or not Herschel Walker has won his race for the Senate; it was judged too close to call, and a runoff is planned. Anyway, win or lose, there is no denying that Herschel Walker is a key figure in the 2022 election, and that the Fool card fits him just as perfectly as it fit George W. Bush 22 years earlier.
This suggests that the "standing prophecies" continue beyond 2021 -- that after reaching the 21st and last trump we go back to zero and begin again. That would mean -- and this is where it gets ominous -- that the trump corresponding to the next presidential election, in 2024, would be the 2nd -- the High Priestess.
Note also that the Golden Dawn system of correspondences associates this trump with the Hebrew letter gimel, meaning "camel." The Thoth version of this card -- designed and painted by a woman named Harris -- even includes a picture of a camel.
By the way, see that black crescent on the Thoth card? That even matches the phase of the moon on January 20, 2025 (but not in 2021, when it was a First Quarter, with the right side illuminated).
Can this possibly mean the reelection of Biden and Harris? With fraudulent elections, it certainly can't be ruled out. Or perhaps it will be Harris herself as president, without Slow Joe.
Debbie keeps predicting that we will get a Triumvirate government soon. I believe the Triumvirs she originally proposed were Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Jeff Bezos, though recently she's suggesting it may be Barack Obama rather than Harris. I don't really put too much stock in this prediction, but it's interesting to note that Jeff Bezos also has the initials JB. Or what if Obama is replacing Trump, not Harris? Then the Priestess is Kamala, and the pillars represent a black man named Barack and a white man named Jeff.
Or it could be someone entirely different. After all, getting the Fool again in 2022 didn't mean George W. Bush was coming back, just another person who also happened to match that card.
This will be in 2 parts
Part 1
Also, the name George (and if you recall I made this connection to George Floyd), the name George means: the Earth tiller. One who tills the earth to plant new seeds.
Do recall all of my previous comments about the George Floyd Nigredo connection in Alchemy.
I also believe that George Bush was most definitely symbolic of an Earth tiller, as Y2K kicked off the baal towards the Shifting of Ages from the Industrial Age to the Silicon (Information Age), and those new seeds planted in the early'00's are The Great Reset ushering in Artificial Intelligence.
If you didn't read my previous comment about the 2003 movie with Chris Rock titled; Head of State, please do as I think that movie validates what I've been saying for many decades, which and IMO is this: Kennedy was the last POTUS that the American people voted for.
All POTUS after Kennedy are just front men and have been 'selected'.
They all are Globalists and play their roles as Good Cop, Bad Cop.
In America, Trump played Bad Cop, Obama played Good Cop.
My point being is this: Republicans and Democrats are 2 wings of the same bird and they both fly for the same Global King, and the king's agenda.
" If something happens in Politics, you can bet it was planned that way"--Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
I changed my prediction from Camel Toe Harris, to Obama the Lying (Lion ) King as far who I believe will be ushered in the POTUS position after a Black Swan Event because of the recent video Hindsight 2020, which if you recall I commented about on your blog.
The resurrected King, mentioned in the Hindsight 2020 video would make sense at least to me, as it connects a lot of puzzle pieces.
I personally that a Black Swan Event will be the spark that will usher in all of this
BEFORE 2024. I don't think there is going to be another "ritual of a Presidental Selection ( ooops I mean Election) in America.
Global Politics and especially American Politics are all in historic times in history and a Triumvirate Governance in The New Atlantis (we know now as America) absolutely fits that Great Reset agenda perfectly.
Part 2
As far as your reference to the High Priestess card in the Tarot predicting a female (Harris) win, hmmmm, I'm not so sure about that.
You do know that it is rumored that Barack Obama is Gay.
So, maybe it's coming out of the closet time??
I've commented before that I personally believe Obama was 'selected'(2 terms] to strengthen the Feminist and the LGBT movement/agenda.
As far as Donald Trump being one of the triumvirs, I am going to somewhat change my prediction to say this: whoever is chosen, maybe Ron Desantis? it will be a Republican which will be a necessary part of ' the healing process of America after the Black Swan Event.
That healing process, we will be told, must be "all-inclusive to include
both sides of the aisle.
E. Pluribus Unum.
I believe that after the Alchemical Rubedo event symbolizing the End of the American Empire, the new beginning for America in the Age of Aquarius will be a Technocracy, so obviously someone from tech will be appointed as a triumvir either Gates, Bezos Musk, Zuck (although I'm thinking probably Bezos or Gates)
Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) is an Air sign which rules Science and Technology and also Futuristic thinking/ vision. (Link below)
Also Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac.
Both Steve Jobs and I share many of the same astrological planet placements in our charts,
including a cardinal Grand Cross (which is very rare)
and especially interesting the placement of Mercury in Aquarius.
Jobs was born on Feb 24, 1955, and I was born on the cusp
of Aquarius and Pisces Feb 19, 1955.
I found this interesting article about Jobs's chart.
Here's the copy and paste ( link below )
His Mercury in Aquarius gave him a sharp mind, visionary yet not quixotic. Had he been a Pisces only, his inventions would have remained in the realm of fantasy. It is perhaps this Mercury in Aquarius who allowed Jobs to bring the technology of the future to our world, and to literally change our life and our routine through the intellect.
And last but not least, do note the tragic event involving 'AIR' that occurred
on 11/12 (but paying tribute to Veterans Day on 11/11 ).
The tragic event of the midair collision of two US historic Aircrafts I believe was yet
another symbolic ritual symbolizing the End of the American Empire.
The tragedy also occurred in Dallas, on the 33-degree parallel which the 33 is where sacrifices are performed.
If you recall my previous comments on your blog about Biden falling UP the stairs of Air Force One.( see youtube link)
Everything is connected.
Joe Biden falls multiple times boarding Air Force One
In my previous comment I forgot to mention the Eight Point Star of Ishtar that appears
on The Fools clothing.
I counted them. There are 8, which is the Octagon whom I believe are the One Eye,
i.e. the 1 percent OF the 1 percent. (see interesting link below)
Also, and adding a bit more thought to perhaps a connection with Obama being the tarot card The High Priestess.
Interesting The High Priestess is pictured wearing the colors of Blue (Tekhelet Blue?)
and White, which is the colors of Israel AND the UN.
Do note that a FELINE (Lion,) is symbolic of the moon/water/female/Venus energy.
I personally don't think Obama was born on Aug 4 in the sign of Leo.
I think the Aug 4th birthdate is just part of the Obama character's overall creation profile of being the Lion King.
I do believe however, the rumor that Obama is Gay to be a strong possibility, which is probably why biracial and gay Obama was chosen or perhaps groomed to be POTUS serving as the perfect androgynous singularity archetype, which is our Opponents Final Frontier
for Humanity that is, the singularity.
Interesting the grapes in the High Priestess card which also has both an Aquarius
and grape connection.
Here are two Copy and Paste( links below )
[Ganymedes] was the loveliest born of the race of mortals, and therefore
the gods caught him away to themselves, to be Zeus' "" wine-pourer"",
for the sake of his beauty, so he might be among the immortals.
Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations in the sky.
In Greek myth, Aquarius was Ganymede, the young boy kidnapped by Zeus. Zeus sent his eagle, Aquila, to snatch Ganymede out of the fields where the boy was watching over his sheep. Ganymede would become the cupbearer for the Olympian gods. The constellation, Crater, is often thought to be Ganymede's cup. ( link below )
Of course, the Eagle represents the United States
Etymology of grape:
grape (n.)
mid-13c., "a grape, a berry of the vine," also collective singular, from Old French grape "bunch of grapes, grape" (12c.), probably a back-formation from graper "steal; grasp; catch with a hook; pick (grapes)," from a Frankish or other Germanic word, from Proto-Germanic *krappon "hook," from a group of Germanic words meaning "bent, crooked, hooked"
There are some 'conspiracy theories' that believes that Barack's given name was Barry (Berry? ) Soetoro.
Just one more thought to clarify my previous comment about Aquarius especially
my references to Ganymede the wine pourer (cupbearer) and Obama the Lion) King.
As stated I believe Obama was created to be the archetype for our Opponents Global singularity agenda but especially for The New Atlantis.
One Race (Biracial)
One Gender (androgyny)
One Religion (luciferian)
One Currency ( digital , blockchain)
One Culture (transhumanism )
One Global Government
I made all of those references to Aquarius because of what I believe is The Shifting of Ages from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius which I believe we (humanity) are on the precipice of now.
The High Priestess card is reminiscent of maybe Obama's maybe Illuminati costume. Of course google only finds the snopes article when I go looking for a good picture, but you probably know the one I'm talking about:
There are no lions or devils on that card but she is still sitting in front of a veil (what's behind it?), not to mention that the High Priestess is often silent (i.e. she's not really calling the shots). There's that imagery of Kamala maybe getting the upper hand on someone in the Strength card, but then again maybe it will be "cleaning house" kabuki theater and our ruling devils will go back behind the curtain instead of being in plain sight. The mask has been slipping pretty hard these past few years.
If you peek a little you can see that she is sitting on "many waters" as you bring up with the Queen of Cups. The Whore of Babylon doesn't meet the best end, maybe Kamala will ultimately get her turn under the bus after throwing Joe there.
Looking ahead, trump VI is the Lovers which very closely mirrors the Devil card in the Rider-Waite deck. Maybe happier times are ahead but we'll have to wait and see, we've been getting the ill dignified versions of some of these other trumps.
Grapes and lions together made me think of Dionysus but I honestly think that's a bit of a stretch.
Oh yeah…. and note that the columns spell out BJ, how Kamala got into politics. But viewed from behind the veil it’s JB….
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