Friday, January 22, 2021

Inauguration Day reading

Hours before the inauguration in Washington, I did a one-card reading with the Rider-Waite deck, asking, "Is Trump really going to pull this off today?" I drew the High Priestess.

The first thing I noticed was Joe Biden's initials on the pillars Jachin and Boaz.

One of my commenters suggested that the woman in the center might represent Kamala Harris, and that fits surprisingly well. The woman is obviously the card's center of attention, with JB off to the side and in the background -- reflecting the disproportionate emphasis placed on the VP ("a Harris administration, with Joe Biden as president") and the general expectation that she will replace Biden in relatively short order.

Note also that on the card we see the woman's left hand touching a Bible (Torah scroll), corresponding rather literally to what happens during a swearing-in ceremony.

The decision to be sworn in on two Bibles was a little strange, but the second trump is all about duality.

Traditional Golden Dawn correspondences even link this particular trump to Harris's given name.

So, the reading pretty unambiguously says: No, Trump is not going to pull this off today. Kamala Harris (with, lest we forget, Joe Biden as president) will be sworn in.


Bruce Charlton said...

What is the official explanation for the 'two Bibles'? Is there a precedent?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I can’t find any precedent. Reportedly one of the Bibles had belonged to Thurgood Marshall and the other to a family friend — to symbolize her “historic” nature as yet another First Member of Victim Group X to Hold Position Y, while also emphasizing that she’s still Jenny from the block.

What it made me think of was the colloquialism “swear on a stack of Bibles,” jestingly implying that more Bibles makes for an even stronger oath.

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