Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The E.T. card?

The other day, I asked, "Who or what is behind the sudden spike in UFO coverage in the media?" and drew a single card from the Rider-Waite deck. I got the Deuce of Wands.

The card depicts a man contemplating a globe. I immediately thought of the old Klaatu song "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" -- particularly the lines "We've been observing your earth / And one night we'll make a contact with you."

(Incidentally, the song ends with "To send the message / We declare World Contact Day." Today I looked up World Contact Day for the first time and found that it is my birthday, March 15.)

If you had to choose one Tarot card to communicate the message, "It's aliens -- extraterrestrials," which would you choose? The Star is an obvious choice, I suppose, but it just shows a woman on Earth, with the stars overhead. The Rider-Waite Deuce of Wands is the only card that shows the Earth -- the whole globe -- and shows a man outside of it, quite literally an extra-terrestrial being.

The image of an "extraterrestrial" holding the Earth in one hand also bring to mind the ending of the original Men in Black film, where our entire universe is revealed to be contained inside a marble which an alien picks up with one hand.

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